Saturday, September 09, 2006

Back in Michigan, and Things are Fine

After a long cross-country trip and a fast-paced family filled week, I'm back in Ann Arbor at B-school. To tell you the truth, I think the reason why I've not been blogging is because I dreaded the drive so much; I have done this way too much in the last couple of years and I'm so excited to be in ONE place for awhile. I love being a student but not the moves.

Had a great drive despite myself, with Kim Franco as partner for the first big leg of the way from SF to Tahoe to Cheyenne, WY. We went to a Giant's game in SF and had a fabulous day in Tahoe with Jeff (pics coming).

Once in Cheyenne, Kim returned to Colorado and I continued on to Chicago. Actually, I drove to Chicago in one day, which took 16 hours. I do not recommend this for anyone, especially without a radio, but in the end all was well and I arrived in Chicago safe and sound, albeit a bit weirded out.

See, this is really boring stuff so I'll spare you the details. Now I'm back at school and today I'll be going to my first football game of the season. Scary how I've assimilated to fast. (Sigh). More interesting thoughts at a later date, I promise.

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