Saturday, May 06, 2006

to my loyal readership

There has been a request for another blog entry (seeing as I have neglected my journaling for a couple of days now) so let this entry assuage my readership's desire for an update.

I am presently at my cousins' house (see the view from my current window seat enclosed) in Santa Barbara at my great aunt's 80th birthday party. There were approximately 90 people here today in the garden and on the patio, most of them over 80 and kicking. As an auxiliary family member, I had a great time socializing and taking breaks when needed. I also got the chance to catch up with the few younger cousins here after about a 10-year hiatus. A psychologist, a programming manager for the LA Times, a music/tv producer, they're all comfortable in their own lives and doing well. Hopefully I will get a chance to come down here to L.A. this summer for a weekend. My cousin Shira who is a couple of years younger than me looks and sounds exactly the same as when we were 13 and 16 and I came here to her Bat Mitzvah. Come to think of it, I think I do too! We've had a fantastic time reconnecting and I am so glad to be here.

The younger cousin set are still aspiring to get into college and I think that more now than ever younger kids' lives are hurtling towards adulthood, fast. I don't think I even knew what college really was until I was maybe a junior in high school. My college counselor consisted of an archaic computer in a flourescent light-filled small room where I could peruse the databases alone without guidance. These days, there are consultants just for high school students, and they even have specialties like essay writing or college choice. At any rate, they're all doing well and it was good to see them.

I am feeling extremely happy for a couple of reasons, one of which I can't disclose outright in this blog. The reason I can discuss is that I will start work tomorrow morning at Apple in Cupertino, CA and am really looking forward to working and making some money! Monday and Tuesday are training days and then the real work starts on Wednesday. Wish me luck!


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