I've been running with Apple people - today with a fellow MBA/Apple intern and his wife and another Michigan fellow (undergrad engineer). These people are super runners. I am clearly not. I think they go twice as fast. The cool thing about Rancho is you can all leave at the same time, run different loops, and finish up in tandem. It's really nice on the ego. Today I eeked out a grueling four miles (no thanks to my painful collapsing arches) and Wednesday it was five. I hope to keep this up at least for awhile - anyway, the trail is so beautiful that the run is actually a pleasure.

The other news is that I worked on a WWDC 2006 presentation this past week (at Apple, we call 'em 'presos' - see the title of this post) and it got approved as is by all the higher-ups. Yippee! It will now be distributed across the globe to Apple Sales representatives. I can't believe it only took me two weeks to make some real impact. It's great to be an intern at Apple.
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