Sunday, May 28, 2006

my impeccable musical taste v.1

Hi Folks,

In an effort to maintain some consistency, I've decided to bolster the music recommendation section of this blog, and will now hereforward include a summary of artists featured in the sidebar every couple of weeks. In case you haven't noticed, we've had:

D'Angelo- a lyrical and musical genius, it's really a shame that good ol' D hasn't been able to pull it together for another album. It has been awhile since his last Voodoo release in 1997. Like feel-good music (Al Green and Marvin Gaye)? Like a good grove? Like walking to a beat? This guy's got your number. I can't stay in a bad mood.

Arto Lindsay- Think smooth latin vocals dancing above some technically complex rhythmic and sonic tracks. Verry intewesting.

Gloria Estefan - Yeah, sure, we all think of her as the watered down J-Lo, but Ms. Estefan definitely has some tricks up to her sleeve when she hearkens back to the classics. If you like Buena Vista Social Club, you'll love Abriendo - it has a great old salsa feel that's as satisfying as a big family dinner cooked by your mom.

Sigur Ros- This esoteric foursome actually created their own language that sings true (even without literal translation) amongst thick sonic passageways - it's really beautiful and breathtaking at points.

Hope this helps expand your musical horizons! More to come soon.

After-school style short film on why Asian girls go for white guys but Asian guys never get the white's worth your time.

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