Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dammit! The spammers have discovered my umich account!

The bastards have found me. I am now innundated with crappy emails about stock alerts and e!n%l@ar%g*e#d whatevers. Auughh!

Today is my fourth day at Apple and I am now understanding what my role is here: talk to everyone and synthesize all their ideas into a great solution. It reminds me of my projects in school, and consulting. Apple is a cool place, though, everyone is very happy and laid back and I can wear me orange flip-flops to work and no one blinks. Awesome.

Phil sent me these photos taken by one of his friends who is studying Chimps in Zimbabwe. Looking at pics like these and hearing about another life in another world makes me feel good about things. It's sort of like reading a chapter in a great book.


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