Tuesday, April 25, 2006

MAP Top Ten

You Know It's MAP When...

10: People who are not your friends are over at your house from 4pm until 4am
9: You lose most of your patience about...everything
8: You discover the magic of MicrosoftWord outlines and Powerpoint becomes your friend
7: When you hear you have to go to school to work, you feel like crying
6: You flirt with an 18-year old because of lack of ineraction with the outside world
5: You're escaping to a smoke-filled dive bar at 1pm because you feel guilty eating lunch
4: You get up at 5am after coming home at 11:30pm the night before
3: Business attire = a dress shirt with flip flops and jeans
2: After saying the same thing 5 times in a row, you feel that no one is listening, because they tell you to say the thing you've said 5 times in a row.


1. After you reschedule your presentation to fit your faculty advisor's schedule (at 6:30am) he doesn't show up, yet he is able to give you a final grade worth 7 credits!

Yeah! I love MAP!

simple + food = good

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