Tuesday, April 18, 2006

2nd place at poker for the 4th time in a row! Augh!

This blog entry is a joint entry, via skype, with one of my fellow poker-playing friends. Tonight we had a rough night, right Ari?

Ari: Right. You should definitely enter a paragraph about the hand that you beat me on, it is definitely worth mentioning. It was the only hand that I played tonight. I got kings! (exasperated). The only thing that you had me on was Aces, that sucks! [you suck! no, I am kidding....you suck and your blog sucks...no no no...just kidding]

Margot: Ok, so for everyone that is not a poker expert, this is a tricky hand because AA and KK are basically the two best...

--side conversation
Ari (interrupting): Do you even remember the flop? What was the flop?

Margot: I do remember the flop!

Ari: What was it?

Margot: The flop was 10, 6, 7???

Ari: It was 10, 9, 2! I would never have called you with that because it could have been a straight!

Margot: (Sigh) ok, you're right. Maybe if you would have played more hands, you wouldn't have such a good memory of what happened

Ari: I got the most junk that I have ever gotten. And I don't think that I should have folded, so there. Is this all going to appear on the web?
--side conversation over

Anyway, I won against another great hand. And it was early in the game. And it was a surprise. But Ari raised too fast before the flop, so I knew what he had. Shit, Ari realized I misspelled ellipses. Gotta go and edit the former entry.

Ari (in the background): Am I right, or am I right?!!

Margot (Sigh): Yes, you're right.


Anonymous said...

This is the best entry ever!!
You rock!! The crack in you car's windshield rocks!!

Go Blue!!

margot said...

I think I roped in two folks new to blogs with this entry. Shall attempt to continue.