Saturday, September 16, 2006

It's about time

It's about time I put another entry in to this blog. There is a lot to catch any remnant readers up on. School is going very well and I'm quite enjoying this year sans recruiting and (currently) sans any quant courses - I feel as if I've returned to Vassar and am in liberal-arts land again, except this time we're writing business plans instead of research papers. I'm not complaining. A stark different from last year, filled with accounting stats, finance, etc. And the stress level is low. I'm trying to keep it that way and abashedly avoiding school altogether (imagine me, studying from home, all the time) because the stress certainly seems to rub off. Yuck. Stress.

This is my final year, I've realized, to enjoy myself, and I'm going to make the most of it by doing the following:

1. Not take on any leadership positions (I'm already SGA VP of Marketing and Wine Club VP of Catering for gosh sakes, that's enough)
2. Attend all social functions that are not at Ricks
3. Eat at home and cook as much as possible (cause I'm a good cook and I eat healthier at home anyhow)
4. Schedule time to hang out with friends, because they're all so busy
5. Travel - So. America maybe?
6. Learn a new language - currently it's Hebrew, just because I'm around it so much, and I think it will have its benefits for me
7. Throw great parties (have you heard of our Pirate Party? )
8. Join the Gourmet Club for personal benefit only
9. Keep running
10. Keep blogging

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